Solutions > xMobility Suite
GPS & Fleet Management |
- Xpedium’s xTrack line is more than simple vehicle tracking.
- xTrack is a platform for managing your driver, your vehicle and can even be used as the communications engine for terminals and navigation devices.
- xTrack is the central collection point for OBD data, sensor data, temperature monitoring and a host of other input options.
- xTrack has the features you need today to monitor HOS driver compliance , eliminate paper logs, inspect vehicles, eliminate idling and more.

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- Calculates & accumulates mileage every second for extreme accuracy
- Checks geo-fences for stops on predefined routes every second
- Compares readings constantly to evaluate if a vehicle is moving or stopped
- Eliminates bad GPS readings by comparing them to prior readings taken only seconds before
- Stores data until it is confirmed in the database on the server
- Eliminates GPS drift by having the device detect movement using special algorithms that can differentiate between bouncing GPS signals and actual vehicle movement
- Manages input from multiple sensors and digital I/O devices
- Interfaces with data terminals to send and receive data and can store data locally if a terminal is out of its dock saving customers hundreds of dollars per vehicle per year in network fees alone
- Provides terminal applications with location data, satellite timestamps, sensor status, vehicle status and more
- Accurate Mileage by State Report for IFTA Reporting
- Accurate Location Reporting (no trucks in the ocean)
- NO Lost Data or Daily Backlogs Idle and Stop Times Reported Accurately
- Guaranteed Delivery of Data in Both Directions
- Full Data Exchange with In-house Legacy Systems
- Dot Reporting based on accurate Mileage by State Report and HOS with Compliance Monitor
- Pre and Post Trip Inspection reports with Vehicle maintenance monitoring system based on time, mileage and hours
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